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How Do You Organize Your Recipes?

Oct 10, 2024
Do you have stacks of cookbooks, printouts, saved recipes on Instagram, and a head full of family favorites that you’ve memorized? If that sounds oddly specific, it’s because that’s exactly what my recipe collection used to look like! Over a decade ago, I created a different technique—one that is organized and doesn’t leave my brain feeling as scattered as my recipes.
I developed a binder method that has transformed my experience in the kitchen, making it much easier and more enjoyable. The satisfaction of flipping through my organized binder to find the perfect recipe is unmatched. In fact, I recently had to upgrade my binder because it had reached full capacity! Last night, I switched to a larger binder and upgraded my divider tabs, and let me tell you, it’s become even MORE organized than before. I couldn’t be happier, haha!
It really is the small things in life that can bring such joy and satisfaction. Now, will I keep the organizing momentum going and tackle my Tupperware cupboard?? This remains to be seen, haha.
When spaces are tidy, your brain gets a well-deserved break, allowing you to feel calm and relaxed. Just imagine that satisfying moment when you reach for something and find it exactly where you expected it to be—no searching, no checking multiple spots, and no mental gymnastics trying to recall the last time you saw it. Your mind isn’t racing, your body stays relaxed, and you don’t feel frustrated wondering if someone else moved it. It’s simply there, right where it belongs, and you feel utterly CALM.
What is something that you keep super organized in your life that just makes you feel happy inside? Come on, we all have something! Whether it’s your spice rack, your closet, or even a digital folder of your favorite recipes. When you imagined your organized space, did you feel relaxed and at ease? Isn't that amazing?!
Take a moment to fully embrace the ease and calm around you. Recognize the effort you’ve invested in keeping things tidy and appreciate yourself for it. We often get caught up in what still needs to be done, fixating on our to-do lists and pending projects. But it's essential to pause and celebrate the work we've accomplished and the positive impact it has on our lives. So go ahead and appreciate yourself—you’ve put in the effort, and now it’s time to enjoy the rewards!

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