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Do's & Don'ts of Grocery Shopping

Jul 03, 2023

I have not met ONE person who likes grocery shopping.  I’m sure they’re out there, but I’ve never met one.  


Assuming you, and most people, are similar to me and the grocery store is not our most favorite place to be, here is a quick list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” to get you in and out of the grocery store as quickly and painlessly as possible!


Grocery Shopping DON’TS:

  1. Do NOT go grocery shopping hungry
  2. Do NOT go without a list and a plan
  3. Do NOT go to multiple different stores just to save a few bucks


When you go grocery shopping hungry you will likely spend up to 60% MORE $$!! That’s money you could be blowing on Amazon purchases, traveling, or wine…. Get your priorities in place!  Just kidding, sorta...


When you don’t have a plan and a list, you will likely forget needed items, which means you will be going back to the store throughout the week.  This will cost you more time and money.


I’m sure you have other things in life you enjoy and would rather be doing than driving around town hitting up multiple grocery stores (like enjoying a winery or exploring on a little day trip).


Grocery Shopping DO’S:

  1. DO make a meal plan and a grocery list
  2. DO keep/share your shopping list in Notes on your phone & update as needed
  3. DO stick to your favorite store (or two) ~ When you know the lay of the land you shop WAY faster


Making a meal plan for the week doesn’t have to be time consuming and complicated. Grab a piece of paper and create 3 columns for breakfast, snacks, and dinner.  Or, use this Kitchen Floozy Meal Planning Template.

Write down 3-4 different breakfast items to have throughout the week (i.e. banana & peanut butter, oatmeal, cottage cheese & berries).  Write down 5 different snacks (i.e. apples & sliced cheese, rice cake & peanut butter, carrots & hummus, sliced cucumber & tuna, almonds/cheese/craisins).  Jot down 4-5 dinner ideas (i.e. tacos, spaghetti, burgers, chicken noodle soup, salmon & roasted veggies).  Look at each breakfast, snack, & dinner item and go through the ingredients you’ll need for these.  If you already have it on hand, great!  If not, add it to your grocery list.  


Hector and I created a shared ‘Note’ in our phones for grocery items.  We can both edit the list as needed.  This is extremely useful and we use it every week.


Hector does our Costco runs.  I would say 98% of the time, we stick to the same grocery store. Hector’s go-to store is Albertsons and mine is Ralph’s.  I know where everything is in Ralph's.  I can be in and out fairly quickly, without wandering around the store looking for that last needed item, that I probably already walked by 5x… I hate that!


If you’re not already following these DO’S and DON’TS, follow them!! I promise, it will save you time, money, and a slice of sanity.


Good luck & happy shopping!


~ Kitchen Floozy

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