Hello, I'm Tracie.

Full body wellness has always been a passion of mine. After learning all things nutrition in my undergrad Dietetics program, I went on to earn a Masters in Public Health.  While in school full time, writing a thesis, working full time, completing an internship, AND being a SINGLE mom to two small kiddos.... I had NO extra time.  
Because eating healthy foods was a priority,  I found shortcuts and tricks to creating QUICK, EASY, & NUTRITIOUS meals and snacks that I could bring with me on the go. 
Fast forward.  After 4 years of college and juggling all the things as a single mom, I graduated with my Master's in Public Health.  I worked for a handful of months before being laid off due to COVID.  It was not an easy several years.  But the struggles have made the wins so much sweeter! 
Now I balance a full time job, two part time gigs, two amazing teenagers, volunteer work, and a life partner I continue to grow and explore the world with.  Life is full, in the sense of schedules and happiness.
Juggling all the things I value; family time, meals together, eating healthy, being active, travel, personal care/growth, I'm not left with any "extra" time, so it's vital I'm efficient in the kitchen.  I need healthy meals & snacks that don't require hours in the kitchen.
I would love to share my tips, tricks, quick & easy recipes, meal plans, and nutrition education with you.  Eating healthy doesn't need to be time consuming and complicated.  Meal planning for the week ahead shouldn't be something that is dreaded and unknown.  I want to make creating nutritious meals and snacks EASY so that you have more time to enjoy all the other magical things in this wonderful life!

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